Support Women in Tech e.V.

How can you support Women in Tech e.V.?

Our association lives from the fact that people (especially women) stand up for the topic of “women & technology”. You can support our work in various ways:

Become a member

By joining Women in Tech e.V., you actively support us in implementing our association’s goals. Our internal website and network gives members additional opportunities to get in touch with one another, present themselves and help shape our association’s work. We are happy about every member!

Become a member


Spread the word

The message is clear: we want to give women a voice in technology, want to show that they exist and ensure visibility. We want to support girls in their technical career aspirations, create role models and equal opportunities. You can support this mission by carrying it out into the world: Follow our social media profiles, share our posts, tell other women (and men) about it!

Write an article

Do you like to write, are you communicative and do you enjoy dealing with the topic of “women in technology”? Got something important to say to the world out there? On our website you can write articles for the blog at any time and if you feel like it, you can join our editorial team and take care of our social media channels. Your ideas and contributions are always welcome! Here you can send us your contribution.


Give an interview

In our interviews section, we present exciting Women in Tech from a wide variety of technical professions. At the same time, we are always looking for more exciting personalities.

Therefore we would like to do a short interview with you! You will need 20 minutes of time and can do it right here in this form.


Become a speaker

Our monthly  series of events #SpeakUp enables any kind of Woman in Tech to talk about herself, her career,  job or projects. In this way we inspire more women or girls to pursue a career in Tech!

No matter in which field of tech you work – we are interested in any tech-related topics and are looking forward to a smooth fireside chat with you!

If you would like to be part of this series of events and present your tech-company or tech-project we look forward to receiving your application as a speaker via this form.


Organise an event or MeetUp

There are already a few local groups that meet every now and then. Unfortunately, we cannot be there ourselves everywhere, but we welcome everyone who actively wants to get something going. If you would like to organize something yourself, contact us! We take over the communication via our channels, you carry out the event on site.

Cooperation with your employer or company

We already work with some companies that support our association’s work by giving us a place where we can meet (e.g. MeetUps) or that invite us to take part in their events with our members. Such collaborations are very important to us. We also look forward to cooperations that offer our members special advantages, for example educational offers such as programming courses or similar career-promoting offers.

Become a cooperation partner



We are a non-profit association that depends on donations and other allowances. Our sponsoring members also make an important contribution to ensuring that we can carry out our work in accordance with the purpose of the association.
